Saturday, April 19, 2014

Aurangzeb : Facts about

It’s one of the top websites in the world. If you’ve ever used a Kindle or ordered video games, diapers, jewelry, electronics or any number of products online, chances are you ordered them from Launched in July of 1994 by Jeff Bezos, the e-commerce company that has forever changed the way we shop online turns 19. –

The company began as an online bookstore. In the first two months of business, Amazon sold to all 50 states and over 45 countries and their sales were up to.

They went public in 1997, with stock shares starting at $18.00.

Founder Jeff Bezos was named TIME’s ‘Man of the Year’ in 1999. once sold a CD-ROM for $2,904,980,000 and someone tried to buy it. The order was later cancelled by Amazon.

Their first profit was made in the fourth quarter of 2001: $5 million, on revenues of more than $1 billion.

Amazon’s current logo was designed to depict a smile that goes from A to Z. “This signifies that the company is willing to deliver everything to everyone, anywhere in the world.”

Ready to take on the music industry, Amazon launched its own online music store, Amazon MP3 in 2007.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Mustafa Tahir : Emoji, Futebol, and Ghost Plane lead the top trending Words of 2014

Emoji, Futebol, and Ghost Plane lead the Top Trending Words and Phrases of 2014, according to the current word trends in global English being tracked by the Global Language Monitor.   This is a preliminary to GLM’s twelfth annual Word of the Year rankings that will be released at year-end.

“Not only is the English language adding a new word every 98 minutes, but it is also expanding the basis of word creation. The alphabet, itself, is now expanding beyond letters to numbers + (emoticons) diacritical marks + emoji (picture words),” said Paul JJ Payack, chief word analyst, the Global Language Monitor.

The Top Trending Words of 2014 are listed below  (Rank, Word, and Comment).

Emoji — Smilies beware!  The Emojis are now here.  In 500 years people will look back on the creation of a new alphabet:  Letters + numbers + (emoticons) diacritical marks + emoji (picture words).
Futebol — Ready or not, the World Cup of Futebol, Futbol, Football, and Soccer is hurtling toward Brasil
Climate Change —  Two interesting points to add to the debate: 1) The Earth is now approaching the temps of the Medieval Warm Period circa 1100 c.e., and 2) 8,000 years ago oceans were some 100 meters lower than present level.
Ghost Plane — Malaysian Flight 360, now has echoes of the 17th c. ‘ghost ship’, the ‘Flying Dutchman’.
Inflation — OK, so the Universe expanded a gazillion times faster than the speed of light is now a fact.  Way Cool.
Denier — An ugly new addition to the trending words list as it has become an evermore present invective with sinister overtones (fully intended).
Mid-Term Elections — The Perpetual Campaign of the US rolls into 2014, a mere speedbump on the way to ’16.
Crimea — Remember,  Charge of the Light Brigade though highly celebrated, was an unmitigated disaster.
Pontiff — Francis keeps upending convention and papal protocol.
Conscious De-Coupling — Oh Gwyneth Paltrow, what hath thou wrought to the language?
Quinquennium — Or lustrum (either way five-year periods) — preparing for decade-and-a-half terminology as 2015 looms.
The Great War — The centennial of World War I begins four years of soulful commemorations — as the forces it unloosed ripple into (and most probably through) the 21st c.
Blood Moon — Four total eclipses of the Moon in an 18-month span.  Not yet referred to as the  Lunar-aplyspe — but the year is young.
V. V. Putin — Proving to no longer be a Pootie-Poot (etymology unknown), the nickname of George W. Bush bestowed on him.
Chinese —  All things  Chinese are (still) on the rise  Western Powers should be acclimated to this by now.Source GLOBAL LANGUAGE MONITOR

Aurangzaib : Insulting Insults

A guy with your IQ should have a low voice too!
A sharp tongue is no indication of a keen mind.
It's hard to get the big picture when you have such a small screen.
Talk is cheap, but so are you.
The twinkle in his eyes is actually the sun shining between his ears.
There are only two things I dislike about her - her face.
He is so short his hair smell like feet
He is living proof that man can live without a brain!
He smells the coffee, but can't find the pot / a cup.
He has a mechanical mind. Too bad he forgot to wind it up this morning.

He has a mind like a steel trap -- always closed!

He has depth, but only on the surface. Down deep inside, he is shallow.

He has more faces than Mount Rushmore.

He has one brain cell, and it is fighting for dominance.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Muhammed Saad : Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is a Web-based dictionary that contains more than seven million definitions as of 2 March 2013.[ Submissions are regulated by volunteer editors and rated by site visitors. Time's Anita Hamilton included it on her 50 best websites of 2008 list.
As of April 2009, an average of 2,000 are submitted every day, and the site receives approximately 15 million unique visitors per month, with 80% of users being younger than 25. As of February 2013, Urban Dictionary's Alexa rating is 845,] with a rating of 396 in the United States and 43,559 sites linking in. As of February 2014, the site contains over 7.5 million definitions. Definitions, from the people.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Taha Nayyer : Web 2.0

Sir discussed the term in class "Web 2.0", I studied and got to know that we are unaware of everything even the things we are using in our daily lives.
Web 2.0 , we are using it for a long time and still we don't know anything about it.
Well, Web 2.0 is the term used to describe a variety of web sites and applications that allow anyone to create and share online information or material they have created. A key element of the technology is that it allows people to create, share, collaborate & communicate. Web 2.0 differs from other types of websites as it does not require any web design or publishing skills to participate, making it easy for people to create and publish or communicate their work to the world. 
The nature of this technology makes it an easy and popular way to communicate information to either a select group of people or to a much wider audience. The University can make use of these tools to communicate with students, staff and the wider academic community. It can also be an effective way to communicate and interact with students and research colleagues. 
There are number of different types of web 2.0 applications including wikis, blogs, social networking, folksonomies, podcasting & content hosting services. Many of the most popular websites are Web 2.0 sites such as Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Flickr.