Saturday, May 03, 2014

Javeria Kamran :

(کراچی کل بھی اکیلا تھا، کراچی آج بھی اکیلا ہے) اٹھانا خود ہی پڑتا ہے ................... تھکا ٹوٹا بدن اپنا
کہ جب تک سانس چلتی ہے، کوئی کاندھا نہیں دیتا

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Javeria Kamran : Dreams are the touchstones of our character

“Dreams are the touchstones of our character”
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
                                                                                                               ~Walt Disney
Dreams are very different from waking life, but it is extremely difficult clearly to define in what the difference consists. When we are dreaming, we are nearly always convinced that we are awake, and in some cases real experiences have been mistaken for dreams.
Sometimes even after waking, we may be doubtful whether our dream was a reality or not, especially if we happen to fall asleep in our chair and do not remember the circumstance of having fallen to sleep. Of course this doubt can only arise when there has been nothing in our dream that seems impossible to our wakened mind.
It is, however, only in rare cases that a dream exactly copies the experience of our waking hours. As a rule, in our sleep all kinds of events seem to happen which in our waking hours we should know to be impossible. In our dreams we see and con­verse with friends who are at the other side of the world or have been long dead.
We may even meet historical or fictitious char­acters that we have read about in books. We often lose our identity and dream that we are someone else, and in the course of a single dream may be in turn several different persons. Space and time to the dreamer lose their reality.
It is possible in a dream that lasts a few seconds to appear to have gone through the experience of many years. The limitations of space may also vanish into nothing, so that we seem to travel the most distant parts of the universe with the rapidity of thought.
Our imagination gains in some cases such complete control over our reason that we can contemplate all such contradictions to our ordinary experience without the least feeling of wonder. But this is not always the case. It is impossible to assert as a universal rule that in a dream nothing, however extraordinary, can surprise us. Sometimes dreamers do have feeling of wonder at their strange experiences. Nor can we say that the moral reason loses all control in our sleep.
“Dreams are necessary to life.”
                                                                ~Anais Nin
It does indeed sometimes happen that good men in their dreams seem to do without the slightest compunction horribly wicked deeds, but, on the other hand, even the dreamer sometimes hears the voice of conscience. The origin of dreams may in many cases be traced to internal or external causes. Nightmare is frequently due to indigestion or ill-health.
When a dream is connected with an external cause, it is often possible to trace some resemblance between the cause and the effect, although our imagination erects a great dream fabric on a very small foundation. The sound of a whistle heard at the moment of waking may make us dream of a long-continued struggle to catch a railway train on the point of starting.
In other cases a dream originates in something that the dreamer saw or we thinking about just before sleep came upon him.
Not only the imagination but also the reason has been known to do good work in dreams. There are instances of mathemati­cians solving in their sleep problems that they had vainly puzzled over when awake.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
                                                                                                  ~Eleanor Roosevelt
All the fact that we have been considering are so various that they chiefly illustrate the extreme difficulty of making any general statement about dreams. They show that in many cases dream- life is very different from real life, and that in other cases mind of a sleeping man works much in the same way as if he were awake.
Perhaps the only definite general statement that can be made on the subject is that imagination even in sleep cannot originate anything, although it has an almost unlimited power of uniting together in more or less unusual or even in impossible combinations what we have actually experienced.
“All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together.”
                                                                                                                              ~Jack Kerouac

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mustafa Tahir :Bollywood Copying Hollywood Yet Again !

Inspired from the famous Oscar selfie that Ellen Degeneres posted on Twitter while hosting this year’s Oscar awards, Shahid Kapoor clicked a similar selfie during the IIFA awards.

The one thing in common in both the selfies was actor Kevin Spacey who attended the Bollywood award show in Florida recently.

Shahid, who hosted the award ceremony with Farhan Akhtar, posted a picture of the selfie which featured him along with Spacey, Farhan Akhtar, Sonakshi Sinha, Shatrughan Sinha, Luv Sinha and Anil Kapoor.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Taha Nayyer : Ambush Marketing

A marketing technique in which advertisers work to connect their product with a particular event in the minds of potential customers, without having to pay sponsorship expenses for the event.

Example : Samsung slings $2 smartphones in Apple's face.

In October 2011, Samsung launched the Galaxy S II around the same time as its main competition, Apple's iPhone 4S.

People frequently line up outside Apple stores. But Samsung isn't known for its retail operations. So Samsung put a pop-up store a few feet away from Apple's flagship Sydney site and offered their Galaxy S II at AUS$2 instead of the near AUS$850 full retail price.

Despite only being open for three days, the pop-up store achieved its goal — take away from Apple's moment by having a bigger line throughout the week.
Earlier in the year Samsung specifically petitioned the organization in charge of the London Olympics, of which Samsung is a sponsor, to protect official partners from ambush marketing.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Muhammad Saad : Zynga Application

Mark Pincus founded Zynga in April 2007 under the name Presidio Media the company name changed to Zynga in July 2007. Zynga was named after an American bulldog named Zinga once owned by Mark Pincus. The company uses an image of a bulldog as its logo.

Zynga became the #1 Facebook app developer with 40 million monthly active users (MAU) in April 2009.

On May 18, 2010, Facebook and Zynga entered into a five-year relationship to expand the use of Facebook Credits in Zynga's games.

In 2013, Zynga began shutting down some of its games . Fans of the games were given little notice. For example, players of Dream PetHouse were given only six weeks notice that their games would end.

As of July 27, 2013, Zynga has reportedly lost nearly half of its user base from the previous year. Consequently, investors decreased Zynga's valuation by 400 million.
On January 30, 2014, Zynga announced it has agreed to purchase NaturalMotion.The company also said it would reduce its workforce by 15%, bringing its total number of employees down by 314.

Sarosh Iqbal :

President Barack Obama has some new high tech friends.
Obama was introduced to two robots. One of them, Honda's humanoid robot, Asimo is about the height of a 10 year old child and was wearing an astronaut suit.

"It's nice to meet you," the robot said in a metallic voice to Obama. The robot performed a series of exercises and then walked to a soccer ball and told the President "I can kick a soccer ball too."
"Okay, come on," Obama replied.
The robot then kicked to ball to the President, who trapped it with his feet.
"That was pretty impressive," remarked Obama.

Following the demonstration, the President told an audience of some 30 students that "We saw some truly amazing robots - although I have to say the robots were a little scary. They were too lifelike. They were amazing. And these students showed me some of their experiments, including some soccer-playing robots that we just saw."