Sunday, February 23, 2014

Potato Chip

In 1853, George Crum was a cook for the Carey Moon Lake House restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York. The restaurant was well known for its delicious thick-sliced fried potatoes.

As local legend has it, a customer sent his plate of fries back to the kitchen complaining that they were too thick and requesting thinner slices.

Crum obliged the customer's request but the customer was still unhappy and again sent his fries back to the kitchen requesting thinner slices.

Indignent, Crum cut paper-thin slices of potatoes and deep fried them in fat used for cooking doughnuts. He retrieved the crunchy, crispy slices from the fryer, saturated them in salt, and served them to his customer - who loved them!

Word quickly spread about the potato chips and customers came from far and wide to get them, including the rich and famous like the Vanderbilts and Hiltons.

Crum soon opened his own restaurant and served his infamous "Saratoga Chips" in baskets and take-out boxes.

The rest of the story is... as they say... history. Today, this accidental invention is the most popular snack food in America.

Post By :
Kanza Khalid

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