Saturday, March 08, 2014

By Taha Nayyer : “There is no Lack of Ideas in Youth"

I am writing this small story as our Course Incharge asked us to write on the topic “Bhari jawani main Ideas ki Kami”.

There’s no one in this World born without any aim. I have my own aim and goals and others have their own. I have read somewhere that the “Words lead to deliberation & Deliberation leads to wisdom and Fortune” and Yes I totally agree with this.

Ideas, somewhat are the Instant reaction to any condition. I have my cellphone in my hand and I know the phone has been created by Nokia or any other company, who are working there ? An ordinary person like me, isn’t it so ? Or any machine is producing those sets ?  If Mr. A can have the idea in his mind to create a Mobile Phone it is not necessary that Mr. B may have the same idea and that does not reflect that the Mr. B is not good for nothing. May be he may have some different ideas as compared to Mr. A worth more than him or worst than him but he will be having any other idea that may present his Schools of Thoughts.
I think Sir it’s wrong if we say we are lacking with any Idea or we are empty minded.

Before registering to Mass Communication Field my mother always persuaded me to join an Engineering university, I left everything and ran before it thinking that there would be my no existence if I had not joined the Engineering Univeristy and finally I would be left without a TAG on my Head “A Qualified Engineer”. I worked hard for that purpose, I scored A Grade in my Intermediate with the poor marks in Maths and Physics that was the astonishing moment for me.

During my Intermediate I started working as a Graphics Designer and my Ideas and my thoughts were shining in the form of Art and Creativity all over, my communication skills were not so good but I learned that I could do better, I made up my mind that being an Engineer I would do nothing, it’s simple my Ideas and my mind & Heart did not allow me to be an Engineer.

Today, if you ask me to create a graphics I assure you I won’t be disappointing you, where else if you say me,  Taha write a column for me, that would be difficult for me because I do not own this talent, it’s not mine, never was.

All I just want to say that no one is born null, there is no lack of Ideas in Youth, in Elders or even a toddler who does not know to walk even. Allah has created us with something different from each other that is Allah’s Power and we are having our own talent(s) with us that reflect our personalities and In Sha Allah each one of us will be on the top where we need to be and for what we are her in this World.


  1. All I had in mind when I suggested the topic was for people to write something funny and the 'lack of ideas' only related to the lack of blog ideas that consumed two minutes of class time. I don't sit in judgment over who can do what and who is capable or incapable of what.

  2. No No All I wanted to say Ideas are uncountable in every mind, but need some time to extract out.
