Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Make it Happen

Post By : Qaswa Kamran.

“When I was a child, I did what my parents told me to. When I was at school, I did what my teachers told me to do. When I was at work, I did what my boss told me too. Now that I am old, I wish that all along I did what I wanted to do.”( Confuscius )

The above saying of Confuscius explains the urge to follow one’s dreams and ambitions. Yet many people do not follow that instinct. Some take their hopes and ambitions to their grave as they never find the courage to follow them and till the end they remain a secret.

Everybody at some point has dreamt of becoming something or some hope based on their credibility because it is in human nature to dream or have a desire to achieve something in their life. And yet those people do not have the nerve to actualize them.

So the question here is why do those people not pursue their social ambitions? The reason primarily lies in their social and personal barriers to fulfilling their life’s goal. Some are afraid of being rejected, others just get stuck with their family and financial issues. But what they don’t know is that if they do not try once they won’t live their dream ever. And that would be a bigger loss!

I always believe that for once people must combat their inner fear of rejection, and even if they would fail at least they would not regret it for the rest of their life. And not blame others for their unfulfilled dreams.

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