Wednesday, March 05, 2014

I Plan to Act

Post By : Maria Khan.

I don't understand that how a bunch of terrorists could enter a court and carry out such massacre. On the morning of 3rd March 2014, terrorists entered the district courts, Islamabad and gunned down ten people along with a judge. Moreover, they managed to escape, as ALWAYS.

What is happening? Militants... entering a court... situated in the capital of a country... shooting people there.... all these things doesn't go together. They don't fit.
First of all, from where are these militants getting this much courage that they enter inside a court, and later on claim responsibility for their brutal actions? Who is supporting them?

Where is the Government? What are the law enforcement agencies doing? Why are their security policies so frail?? 
Is this the way to govern a country? Is governing a country a joke? 

Yeah! same old questions, with no answers at all or are answered with lame excuses.

I, being just a common citizen, can think of hundreds of ways of providing security to the country and its people, and strengthening it at the same time. I can chalk out countless strategies of  sweeping the country clean of talibans. 

If  I can generate innumerable tactics of securing the country and it's people then I dont think the Government and the law enforcement agencies cannot.
The difference is, I plan to put  my ideas into action, while they plan to let the country suffer!

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